Banyak orang yang memandang sebelah mata ketika mendengar nama negara ini. Dinegara lain saat ditanya "apakah kamu tahu Indonesia?" maka mereka akan menjawab "hmmm...tidak tahu...." atau " oh...Bali" Ya...rata - rata mereka hanya tahu tentang pulau Bali. Padahal pulau Bali merupakan bagian dari negara Indonesia. Nah...sobat, di blog ini saya akan mengulas tentang keindahan alam Indonesia di berbagai tempat.
Banyak sebenarnya tempat tempat yang indah yang ada di Indonesia yang belum diketahui dan masih alami. Sebagai warga negara Indonesia, saya sangat bangga hidup di negeri yang indah ini.
Kita akan bahas satu persatu tempat - tempat yang indah yang bisa anda kunjungi, baik menggunakan mobil ataupun menggunakan sepeda motor.
Translation :
Many people who see the eyes when they hear the name of this country. Other countries when asked "do you know Indonesia?" then they will say "hmmm ... do not know ...." or "oh ... Bali" Yes ... the average - average they only know about the island. Though Bali is part of Indonesia. Well ... my friend, in this blog I will review the natural beauty of Indonesia in various places.
In fact many beautiful places in Indonesia are still unknown and unspoiled. As a citizen of Indonesia, I am very proud to live in this beautiful country.
We will discuss one by one place - a beautiful place that you can visit, either by car or motorbike.
Many people who see the eyes when they hear the name of this country. Other countries when asked "do you know Indonesia?" then they will say "hmmm ... do not know ...." or "oh ... Bali" Yes ... the average - average they only know about the island. Though Bali is part of Indonesia. Well ... my friend, in this blog I will review the natural beauty of Indonesia in various places.
In fact many beautiful places in Indonesia are still unknown and unspoiled. As a citizen of Indonesia, I am very proud to live in this beautiful country.
We will discuss one by one place - a beautiful place that you can visit, either by car or motorbike.
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